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Slump Test - Construction Services In Pakistan

 Concrete Slump Test

     The Concrete Slump Test that measure the water cement ration w/c and work-ability of fresh concrete. Check the consistence of  fresh concrete and concrete flow. It's quick and easy check to see the concrete is suitable for work or not.

     Slump Test an important  test which help us get homogeneous fresh concrete before casting. Slump Test is direct effect on compression strength of hardened of concrete.

Slump Test Apparatus 

(always clean and dry apparatus after use)
  1. Slump cone ( made of strong metal ) 1.5 mm thickness, internal dimension is 20 cm (8 inch) and above 10 cm (4 inch)  diameter and height of cone 30 cm (12 inch).
  2. Compacting steel bar 15 mm diameter and 60 cm height.
  3. Base Plate 
  4. Filling Collar
  5. Steel rule 
  6. Bursh and Mould Oil 
  7. Bucket or Wheelbarrow 

Procedure Step by Step 

  1. Mixing the concrete sample properly 
  2. Ensure mould and base plate are clean 
  3. Place the mould at horizontal table or any floor or earth ( the floor or earth should be clean ) 
  4. Fill the mould in three layers 
  5. Tamping each layers with 25 times with tamping bar
  6.   If necessary fill the Slump Cone with concrete 
  7. Carefully clean off spillage from around the mould and top of base plate 
  8. Carefully lift the mould straight up with in 10 second
  9. Measure the distance between underside of the rod and highest point of the concrete - the true slump 
    • Slum Classes 
      • According to European Standard EN 206-1:2000 five classes of slump........!
      • S1  -    10 mm to 40 mm
      • S2  -    50 mm to 90 mm
      • S3  -    100 mm to 150 mm
      • S2  -    160 mm to 210 mm
      • S2  -    > 220 mm 

Types of Slump 

Concrete Slump Test
Types of Slump 
  1. True 
  2. Collapse 
  3. Share 
    1. True  
      • In true slump the concrete simple subside, keep more or less  to the shape. 
    2. Collapse
      • In the collapse slum concrete collapses completely.
    3.  Share
      • In share slump the top portion of concrete share off and slip sideways.  

Slump Test

Slump Test

Slump Test

Slump Test
Slump Test by Engineer Muhammad Arfan
Slump Test

Slump Test

Slump Test by Engineer Muhammad Arfan
Slump Test

Slump Test by Engineer Muhammad Arfan
Slump Test

Slump Test by Engineer Muhammad Arfan
Slump Test


  •   If the slump is not true, take a new sample and repeat this procedure again, If second slump isn't true get advice,
  • Complete the sampling and testing certificates 


  1. The Concrete SlumpTest that measure the water cement ratio w/c and workability of fresh concrete. Check the consistence of fresh concrete and concrete flow. It's quick and easy check to see the concrete is suitable for work or not.

  2. Nice to read your article! I am looking forward to sharing your adventures and experiences. personalised family tree


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